Our indoor performances have limited seating. All shows are general admission.


We are going to be holding auditions for our Spring show, Donald Margulies' Time Stands Still, on March 16th and 17th. Find out more about the show and get all the info you'll need to prepare by heading over to our Auditions page.

Come "Play" With Us!!!

Join us for the first installment of the Joe Thomas Jr Guitar Pull for 2025! This lineup is outstanding, and the vibe is always right for a good night of original music from some of the top talent in the region.

Show starts at 7p. $15 gets you in the door.

Bring a friend, and tell your neighbors!


Beginning Stage Combat-  Basic Illusions of Violence covers the foundational skills of basic stage combat. From partnering to angles, we will be teaching artists the basic principles of engagement in order to be able to craft a story without endangering themselves. This workshop is a combination of technique, theory, and essential self-defense for actors. 

There are too many times when actors have had to "just figure it out". The goal of this workshop is for any actor to be comfortable enough to come up with believable actions and stay safe while telling their story.

*this class is appropriate for ages 12 and up

Get more details and register by clicking on the button below!

Beginning Stage Combat Workshop

For tickets or information about upcoming auditions and classes, 

call (334) 262-1530 OR email info@cloverdaleplayhouse.org.

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Welcome to the Playhouse!

The Cloverdale Playhouse is a community-based, volunteer-driven performing arts center in Montgomery, Alabama. The Playhouse is dedicated to presenting entertaining, challenging, and innovative theatrical productions, as well as Special Performances, music series, and educational programs to enhance the cultural life of the 
city of Montgomery and the surrounding River Region.

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